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Словарь американских идиом 8000 единиц - Letter O.


[oars] See: REST ON ONE'S OARS.

[oath] See: TAKE OATH.


[obey the call of nature] See: ANSWER THE CALL OF NATURE.

[occasion] See: ON OCCASION.

[occupy oneself] {v. phr.} To make oneself busy with. * /Having
retired from business, he now occupies himself with his stamp

[oddball] {n.}, {slang}, {informal} An eccentric person; one who
doesn't act like everyone else. * /John is an oddball - he never
invites anyone./

[odd jobs] {n. phr.} Work that is not steady or regular in nature;
small, isolated tasks. * /Dan does odd jobs for his neighbors, barely
making enough to eat./

[odds] See: BY ALL ODDS.

[odds and ends] {n. phr.} Miscellaneous items; remnants. * /After
the great annual clearance sale there were only a few odds and ends
left in the store./

[odds are against] {v. phr.} The likelihood of success is not
probable; the chances of success are poor. * /The odds are against her
getting here before Monday./

[odds-on] {adj.}, {informal} Almost certain; almost sure; probable.
* /Ed is the odds-on choice for class president, because he has good
sense and good humor./

[of age] {adj. phr.} 1a. Old enough to be allowed to do or manage
something. * /Mary will be of driving age on her next birthday./
Contrast: OVER AGE, UNDER AGE. 1b. Old enough to vote; having the
privileges of adulthood. * /The age at which one is considered of age
to vote, or of age to buy alcoholic drinks, or of age to be prosecuted
as an adult, varies within the United States./ 2. Fully developed;
mature. * /Education for the foreign born came of age when bilingual
education was accepted as a necessary part of the public school

[of a piece] {adj. phr.} Of the same kind; in line. - Usually used
with "with". * /His quitting the job is of a piece with his dropping
out of school./

[of course] {adv. phr.} 1. As you would expect; naturally. * /Bob
hit Herman, and Herman hit him back, of course./ * /The rain came
pouring down, and of course the track meet was canceled./ 2. Without a
doubt; certainly; surely. * /Of course you know that girl; she's in
your class./

[off a duck's back] See: LIKE WATER OFF A DUCK'S BACK

[off-again, on-again] or [on-again, off-again] {adj. phr.},
{informal} Not settled; changeable; uncertain. * /John and Susan had
an off-again, on-again romance./ * /I don't like this off-again,
on-again business. Are we going to have the party or not?/

[off and on] also [on and off] {adv.} Not regularly; occasionally;
sometimes. * /Joan wrote to a pen pal in England off and on for
several years./ * /It rained off and on all day./ - Sometimes used
with hyphens like an adjective. * /A worn-out cord may make a hearing
aid work in an off-and-on way./ Compare: BY FITS AND STARTS, FROM TIME

[off balance] {adj. phr.} 1. Not in balance; not able to stand up
straight and not fall; not able to keep from turning over or falling;
unsteady. * /Never stand up in a canoe; it will get off balance and
turn over./ * /Paul was speeding along on his bicycle, when an
unexpected hole in the road caught him off balance and he fell over./
2. Not prepared; not ready; unable to meet something unexpected. *
/Our quarterback kept the other team off balance by changing often
from line plays to passes and tricky end runs./ * /The teacher's
surprise test caught the class off balance, and nearly everyone got a
poor mark./

[off base] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Not agreeing with fact; wrong. *
/The idea that touching a toad causes warts is off base./ * /When Tom
said that the teacher's explanation did not agree with the book, the
teacher was embarrassed at being caught off base./

[offbeat] {adj.}, {informal} Nonconventional; different from the
usual; odd. * /Linguistics used to be an offbeat field, but nowadays
every self-respecting university has a linguistics department./

[off center] {adv. phr.} Not exactly in the middle. * /Mary hung
the picture off center, because it was more interesting that way./

[off-center] {adj.}, {informal} Different from the usual pattern;
not quite like most others; odd. * /Roger's sense of humor was a bit
off-center./ Compare: OFF-KEY.

[off-color] or [off-colored] {adj.} 1. Not of the proper hue or
shade; not matching a standard color sample. * /The librarian
complained that the painter had used an off-color green on the walls./
2. {informal} Not of the proper kind for polite society; in bad taste;
dirty. * /When Joe finished his off-color story, no one was pleased./

[off day] {n. phr.} A period when one is not functioning at his or
her best; a period of weakness. * /The champion was obviously having
an off day; otherwise she would have been able to defeat her
opponent./ Contrast: DAY OFF.

[off duty] {adj.} Not supposed to be at work; having free time; not
working. * /Sailors like to go sight-seeing, when they are off duty in
a foreign port./ * /It seems that all the taxis in New York are off
duty whenever it rains./ - Often used with hyphens, before a noun. *
/The bank robber was captured by an off-duty policeman./ Contrast: ON

[off feed] or [off one's feed] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Not feeling
well; lacking in vitality; droopy; moody. * /Mary was worried; her
canary was off feed./ * /Jerry seemed to be off his feed; he did not
joke and laugh with the others./

[off (one/he/she/it) goes!] {v. phr.} Said of a person, a vehicle,
or a memorable thing who/which has started leaving or moving, both as
a statement of fact (declarative assertion) or as a command
(imperative). * /When the boat hit the water in the formal launching
ceremony, they cried out simultaneously, "Off she goes!"/

[off guard] {adj.} In a careless attitude; not alert to coming
danger; not watching. * /In the second that the boxer was off guard,
his opponent landed a knockout punch./ * /Timmy s question caught Jean
off guard, and she told him the secret before she knew it./ Contrast:

[offhand] {adj.} 1. Informal; casual; careless. * /Dick found Bob's
offhand manner inappropriate for business./ 2. In an improvised
fashion. * /Offhand, I would guess that at least five thousand people
attended the festival./

[off in a flash] See: IN A FLASH.

[off-key] {adj.}, {informal} 1. Not proper; queer. * /When George
told jokes at the funeral, everyone thought his action was off-key./
2. In a false key. * /John always sings off-key./ Compare: OUT OF

[off limits] See: OUT OF BOUNDS.

[off one's back] {adj. phr.} 1. {informal} Stopped from bothering
one; removed as an annoyance or pest. * /"Having a kid brother always
following me is a nuisance," Mary told her mother. "Can't you get him
off my back?"/ * /The singer was so popular with teenagers that he
took a secret vacation, to keep them off his back./ Contrast: ON ONE'S

[off one's chest] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Told to someone and so
not bothering you anymore; not making you feel worried or upset,
because you have talked about it. * /After Dave told the principal
that he had cheated on the test, he was glad because it was off his
chest./ * /Father felt that Tom wasn't helping enough around the
house, so he got it off his chest by giving Tom a list of things to
do./ Compare: MAKE A CLEAN BREAST OF. Contrast: ON ONE'S CHEST.


[off one's hands] {adv. phr.} No longer in your care or possession.
* /Ginny was glad to have the sick dog taken off her hands by the
doctor./ Contrast: ON ONE'S HANDS.

[off one's head] {adj. phr.} Crazy; mad. * /We had no doubt that
the old man was off his head when we saw him jumping into the lake
with his winter coat on./

[off one's high horse] {adj. phr.}, {informal} 1. Not acting proud
and scornful; humble and agreeable. * /The girls were so kind to Nancy
after her mother died that she came down off her high horse and made
friends with them./ 2. Acting friendly again; not angry and unpleasant
any more; agreeable. * /Sally wouldn't speak to anyone all afternoon
because she couldn't go to the movies, but she's off her high horse
now./ Contrast: ON ONE'S HIGH HORSE.

[off one's nut] See: OFF ONE'S HEAD.

[off one's rocker] or [off one's trolley] {adj. phr.}, {informal}
Not thinking correctly; crazy; silly; foolish. * /Tom is off his
rocker if he thinks he can run faster than Bob can./ * /If you think
you can learn to figure skate in one lesson, you're off your trolley./

[off one's trolley] See: OFF ONE'S ROCKER.

[off season] See: LOW SEASON. Contrast: HIGH SEASON, ON SEASON.

[offshoot] {n.} A derivative; a side product. * /The discovery of
nuclear reactors was ah offshoot of research in quantum physics./

[off the air] {adj. phr.} Not broadcasting; observing radio
silence. * /The talk show is off the air on Wednesdays and Fridays./

[off the bat] See: RIGHT AWAY or RIGHT OFF THE BAT.

[off the beam] {adv.} or {adj. phr.} 1. (Of an airplane) Not in the
radio beam that marks the path to follow between airports; flying in
the wrong direction. * /A radio signal tells the pilot of an airplane
when his plane is off the beam./ 2. {slang} Wrong; mistaken. * /Maud
was off the beam when she said that the girls didn't like her./
Contrast: ON THE BEAM.

[off the beaten track] {adv. phr.} Not well known or often used;
not gone to or seen by many people; unusual. * /The theater is off the
beaten track./ * /We are looking for a vacation spot that is off the
beaten track./ Compare: OUT OF THE WAY.

[off the cuff] {adv. phr.}, {informal} Without preparing ahead of
time what you will, say; without preparation. * /Some presidents like
to speak off the cuff to newspaper reporters but others prefer to
think questions over and write their answers./

[off-the-cuff] {adj.}, {informal} Not prepared ahead of time. -
Used of a speech or remarks. * /Jack was made master of ceremonies
because he was a good off-the-cuff speaker./

[off the ground] See: GET OFF THE GROUND.

[off the handle] See: FLY OFF THE HANDLE.

[off the hog] See: LIVE HIGH OFF THE HOG.

[off the hook] {adv. phr.} Out of trouble; out of an awkward or
embarrassing situation. * /Thelma found she had made two dates for the
same night; she asked Sally to get her off the hook by going out with
one of the boys./

[off the record(1)] {adv. phr.} Confidentially. * /"Off the
record," the boss said, "you will get a good raise for next year, but
you'll have to wait for the official letter."/ Contrast: ON RECORD, GO

[off the record(2)] {adj. phr.} Not to be published or told;
secret; confidential. * /The president told the reporters his remarks
were strictly off the record./ - Sometimes used with hyphens, before
the noun. * /The governor was angry when a newspaper printed his
off-the-record comments./

[off the top of one's head] {adv.} or {adj. phr.}, {informal}
Without thinking hard; quickly. * /Vin answered the teacher's question
off the top of his head./ * /When Lorraine was asked to recite, she
talked off the top of her head./

[off the wagon] {adj. phr.}, {slang} No longer refusing to drink
whiskey or other alcoholic beverages; drinking liquor again, after
stopping for a while. * /When a heavy drinker quits he must really
quit. One little drink of whiskey is enough to drive him off the
wagon./ Contrast: ON THE WAGON.

[off the wall] {adj. phr.} Strange; out of the ordinary; stupid. *
/He has been making off-the-wall remarks all day; something must he
the matter with him./

[of it] See: WHAT OF IT.

[of late] {adv. phr.}, {formal} In the recent past; not long ago; a
short time ago; lately; recently. * /There have been too many high
school dropouts of late./

[of necessity] {adv. phr.} Because there is no other way; because
it must be; necessarily. * /Being a professional actor of necessity
means working nights and Sundays./

[of no avail] See: TO NO AVAIL.

[of old(1)] {adj. phr.} Of ancient times; of long ago. * /Knights
of old had to wear armor in battle./

[of old(2)] {adv. phr.} From earlier experience. * /You won't get
any money from Freddie. I know him of old./

[of oneself] See: GIVE OF ONESELF.

[of one's life] {adj. phr.} The best or worst; greatest. - Usually
describing a time or effort. * /At Disneyland, Tommy had the time of
his life./ * /His race for the presidency was the political fight of
his life./

[of one's own accord] or [of one's own free will] {adv. phr.}
Without suggestion or help from anyone else; without being told;
voluntarily. * /On her mother's birthday, Betsy did the dishes of her
own accord./ * /But Johnny hates baths. I can't believe he would take
one of his own free will./

[of one's own free will] See: OF ONE'S OWN ACCORD.

[of service] {adj. phr.} Valuable as a source of aid; helpful;
useful. * /When a visitor seems lost or confused, the courteous
student will ask "May I be of service?"/ * /A good jackknife is often
of service to a camper./

[of sorts] or [of a sort] {adj. phr.} Not especially good; not very
good; of common quality. * /Joel was a magician of sorts, and popular
at parties./



[of the first water] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Of the finest quality;
superior; very good; best. * /The jeweler chose diamonds of the first
water for the queen's crown./ * /The dance program at graduation was
of the first water./ Compare: FIRST-CLASS.

[of the same mind] {adv. phr.} In agreement; in consonance. * /It
is a good thing when father and son are of the same mind regarding
business and politics./


[oil the wheels] See: GREASE THE WHEELS.

[ointment] See: PLY IN THE OINTMENT.


[old as the hills] {adj. phr.} Very old; ancient. * /"Why didn't
you laugh?" she asked. "Because that joke is as old as the hills," he

[old boy network] {n. phr.} A system whereby men who went to the
same school help each other to get good jobs, regardless of their
ability or training. * /Peter got his lucrative job thanks to the old
boy network rather than because of his qualifications./ Compare: OLD

[old boy] or [old chap] {n.}, {chiefly British} One of the men
educated at the same institution and bound by strong ties of loyalty
to each other. * /He got the job because the boss was another old

[old college try] {n. phr.} An attempt to win a favor from another
by mentioning the fact that one had gone to the same college or
university as the party from whom the favor is requested. * /Since he
needed a job, he decided to use the old college try when he contacted
Jerry, but it didn't work./ Compare: OLD BOY NETWORK.

[old country] {n. phr.} Primarily Europe, but also any country
other than the United States where one originally came from. * /Al's
wife was born in Chicago but Al himself is from the old country,

[old flame] {n. phr.} An erstwhile lover. * /Did you know that Meg
was one of Howard's old flames?/

[old guard] {n. phr.} People whose ideas may be out of date, but
who have been in power for a long time. * /There will not be any
change in policy at the company, as long as the old guard still works

[old hand] {n. phr.} An experienced and highly skilled expert at
some particular job. * /Uncle Joe is an old hand at repairing car

[old hat] {adj.}, {informal} Old-fashioned; not new or different. *
/By now, putting satellites in orbit is old hat to space scientists./
* /Andrea thought her mother's ideas about dating were old hat./

[old maid] {n. phr.} A spinster; a woman who has never married. *
/Because my old maid aunt is a terrific cook as well as a good-looking
woman, nobody understands why she never married./

[old money] Contrast: NEW MONEY.


[old school tie] See: OLD BOY NETWORK, OLD COLLEGE TRY.

[old story] {n.} An everyday occurrence; something that often
happens. * /Jane's temper tantrums were an old story./ * /It's an old
story when a woman divorces her husband for too much drinking./

[old-timer] {n.} An old person who remembers bygone days, matters,
and personalities. * /There was an old-timer at the party who told us
interesting details about World War II./ Contrast: OLD GUARD, OLD

[old world] {n. phr.} Europe, the continent; a continental manner.
* /Tom had an old world manner that thoroughly charmed all the
ladies./ Compare: OLD COUNTRY.

[olive branch] {n. phr.} An overture; a symbol of peace. * /Tired
of the constant fighting, the majority government extended an olive
branch to the militant minority./

[on account] {adv. phr.} As part payment of a debt; to lessen the
amount owed. * /John paid $10 down and $5 on account each month for
his bicycle./

[on account of] {prep.} As a result of; because of. * /The picnic
was held in the gym on account of the rain./ Compare: ON ONE'S

[on a dime] {adv. phr.}, {informal} In a very small space. * /Bob
can turn that car on a dime./ * /Tom says his new sports car will stop
on a dime./

[on-again, off-again] See: OFF-AGAIN, ON-AGAIN.

[on air] See: WALK ON AIR.

[on a limb] See: OUT ON A LIMB.

[on all four] See: HIT ON ALL FOUR.

[on all fours] {adv. phr.} 1. On all four legs; on hands and knees.
* /Fido sat up to "beg" but dropped down on all fours to eat the dog
biscuit Sam gave him./ * /Billy's father got down on all fours and
gave the baby a ride./ 2. {informal} On a level of equality; of the
same value. * /Wigs may be widely used, but they are still not on all
fours with beautiful natural hair./

[on an average] or [on the average] {adv. phr.} In most cases;
usually. * /On an average Dan's mother has to ask him three times
before he helps with the dishes./ * /On the average, Mr. Blank trades
in his car for a new one every three years./

[on and off] See: OFF AND ON.

[on an even keel] {adv. phr,}, {informal} In a well-ordered way or
condition; orderly. * /When the football rally seemed almost ready to
become a riot, the principal stepped to the platform and got things
back on an even keel./

[on a pedestal] {adv. phr.} Lovingly honored and cared for. * /Mrs.
Raymond's children served her breakfast in bed on Mother's Day and
later took her out to dinner. She felt on a pedestal./ * /Bill is
always waiting on his fiancee and bringing her flowers and candy. He
has certainly put her on a pedestal./

[on approval] {adv. phr.} With the understanding that the thing may
be refused. * /Mr. Grey bought his camera on approval./ * /The company
offered to send a package of stamps on approval./

[on a scratched horse] See: PUT ONE'S MONEY ON A SCRATCHED HORSE.

[on a shoestring] {adv. phr.} With little money to spend; on a very
low budget. * /The couple was seeing Europe on a shoestring./

[on a volcano] See: SIT ON A VOLCANO.

[on behalf of] See: IN BEHALF OP.

[on board(1)] {prep.} On (a ship). * /Joan was not on board the
ship when it sailed./

[on board(2)] {adv.} or {adj. phr.} On a ship. * /The captain was
not on board when the S.S. Flandre sailed./ * /A ship was leaving the
harbor, and we saw the people on board waving./

[on borrowed time] See: LIVE ON BORROWED TIME.

[on call] {adj. phr.} 1. Having to be paid on demand. * /Jim didn't
have the money ready even though he knew the bill was on call./ 2.
Ready and available. * /This is Dr. Kent's day to be on call at the
hospital./ * /The nurse is on call for emergency cases./


[once and for all] {adv. phr.} 1. One time and never again; without
any doubt; surely; certainly; definitely. * /Let me say, for once and
for all, you may not go to the party Saturday./ * /For once and for
all, I will not go swimming with you./ 2. Permanently. * /Bill and Tom
asked the teacher to settle the argument once and for all./ * /The
general decided that two bombs would destroy the enemy and end the war
once and for all./

[once bitten, twice shy] See: BURNT CHILD DREADS THE FIRE.

[once for all] See: ONCE AND FOR ALL.

[once in a blue moon] {adv. phr.} Very rarely; very seldom; almost
never. * /Coin collecting is interesting, hut you find a valuable coin
only once in a blue moon./ * /Once in a blue moon someone grows a very
pale marigold, but no truly white marigolds have been raised./

[once in a while] {adv. phr.} Not often; not regularly; sometimes;
occasionally. * /We go for a picnic in the park once in a while./ *
/Once in a while the puppy would run away, but usually he stayed in

[once-over] {n.}, {slang} 1. A quick look; a swift examination of
someone or something. - Usually used with "give" or "get". * /The new
boy got the once-over from the rest of the class when he came in./ *
/Bob gave his paper the once-over before handing it in./ 2. or
[once-over-lightly] A quick or careless job, especially of cleaning or
straightening; work done hastily for now. * /Ann gave her room a quick
once-over-lightty with the broom and dust cloth./ * /"Just give my
hair the once-over," Al said to the barber./ Compare: LICK AND A

[once upon a time] {adv. phr.} Sometime before now, long ago. *
/Once upon a time she was thought to be the most talented actress in
the country./ - Often used at the beginning of fairy stories. * /Once
upon a time there lived a king who had an ugly daughter./

[on cloud nine] {adj. phr.}, {slang} Too happy to think of anything
else; very happy. * /Ada has been on cloud nine since the magazine
printed the story she wrote./ * /We were on cloud nine when our team
won the state championship./ Compare: ON TOP OF THE WORLD, WALK ON

[on condition that] {conj.} Providing that; if. * /I will lend you
the money on condition that you pay it back in one month./ * /She
agreed to act in the play on condition that she could keep her

[on deck] {adv.} or {adj. phr.} 1. On a floor of a ship open to the
outdoors. * /The passengers were playing shufflehoard on deck./ * /The
sailors kept busy cleaning and painting on deck./ 2. {informal} Ready
to do something; present. * /The scout leader told the boys to be on
deck at 8:00 Saturday morning for the hike./ * /Dick was at bat, and
Bob was on deck./

[on deposit] {adv. phr.} In a bank. * /I have almost $500 on
deposit in my account./ * /The children save their pennies and each
month place them on deposit./

[on duty] {adj. phr.} Doing one's job; supervising. * /Two soldiers
are on duty guarding the gates./ * /There is always one teacher on
duty during study hour./ Contrast: OFF DUTY.


[one and the same] {adj. phr.} The same; identical. * /Erle Stanley
Gardner and A.A. Fair are one and the same person./ * /The spider lily
and the Peruvian Daffodil are one and the same./

[one-armed bandit] {n.}, {slang} A slot machine, like those used in
Las Vegas and other gambling places. * /Joe was playing the one-armed
bandit all day - and he lost everything he had./

[on earth] See: IN THE WORLD.

[on easy street] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Having enough money to
live very comfortably; rather rich. * /After years of hard work, the
Grants found themselves on easy street./ * /Jim's novel was a success
and put him on easy street./ Compare: IN CLOVER, IN THE CHIPS,

[one damn thing after another] or [ODTAA] (pronounced owed-tay) {n.
phr.} If there is one problem, there will be more. * /First I lost my
wallet, then a kid broke the window, and, lastly, my car refused to
start. It was just one damn thing after another!/ Compare: IF IT'S NOT

[on edge] {adj. phr.} Excited or nervous; impatient. * /The
magician kept the children on edge all through his show./ * /We were
all on edge as we listened to the TV for news of the election
results./ * /Father was on edge after driving home through the heavy
holiday traffic./ See: SET ONE'S TEETH ON EDGE. Contrast: AT EASE(2).

[one eye on] {informal} Watching or minding (a person or thing)
while doing something else; part of your attention on. - Used after
"have", "keep", or "with". * /Jane had one eye on the baby as she
ironed./ * /Bill kept one eye on his books and the other on the
clock./ * /Chris tried to study with one eye on the TV set./ Compare:

[one foot in the grave] {n. phr.} Near to death. * /The dog is
fourteen years old, blind, and feeble. He has one foot in the grave./
* /Grandfather has never been sick a day in his life, but Mother cares
for him as if he had one foot in the grave./

[one for the books] {n, phr.}, {informal} Very unusual; a
remarkable something. * /The newspaper reporter fumed in a story that
was one for the books./ * /Their trip through the Rocky Mountains was
one for the books./

[one-horse] {adj. phr.} Insignificant; modest; provincial. *
/Arnold's business is a one-horse operation; he never had a single

[one man's meat is another man's poison] What is good for one
person is not necessarily good for another. - A proverb, * /Even
though Jeff likes to swim in ice cold water, his brother Tun hates it.
This is understandable, however, because one's man's meat is another

[on end] {adj. phr.} Seemingly endless. - Used with plural nouns of
time. * /Judy spent hours on end writing and rewriting her essay./ *
/During July and August there was no rain for weeks on end./

[one-night stand] {n. phr.} 1. A single performance given by a
traveling company while on a tour. * /After they went bankrupt in the
big cities, the traveling jazz quartet played one-night stands in the
country./ 2. A brief affair or sexual encounter. * /"With AIDS all
around us?" said Jane. "Nobody is having one-night stands anymore."/

[one of these days] or [some of these days] {adv. phr.} Someday;
sometime soon. * /One of these days Herbert will be famous./ * /I'm
going to do that sewing some of these days./

[one on the city] {n.}, {slang} A glass of water (which is provided
free of charge, as a free gift from the city). * /What will you have?
- Oh, just give me one on the city./

[one's money's worth] {n. phr.} A fair return on one's money spent
or invested. * /I wouldn't say that the trip was a great bargain, but
I feel that we got our money's worth./

[one's own row] See: HOE ONE'S OWN ROW.

[one-two] {n.} 1. A succession of two punches, the first a short
left, followed by a hard right punch, usually in the jaw. * /Ali gave
Frazir the one-two./ 2. Any quick or decisive action which takes the
opposition by surprise, thereby ensuring victory. * /He gave us the
old one-two and won the game./

[one up] {adj. phr.} Having an advantage; being one step ahead, *
/John graduated from high school; he is one up on Bob, who dropped
out./ * /The Platters are one up on their neighbors. They own the only
color television set in their neighborhood./

[one-upmanship] {v.}, {informal} Always keeping ahead of others;
trying to keep an advantage. * /No matter what I do, I find that Jim
has already done it better. He's an expert at one-upmanship./ * /Jack
took the news to the principal while we were still talking about it.
He's very quick to practice one-upmanship./ Compare: ONE UP. (The word
one-upmanship was made up by a British humorist, Stephen Potter, on
the pattern of such words as sportsmanship and workmanship.)

[on faith] {adv. phr.} Without question or proof. * /He said he was
twenty-one years old and the employment agency took him on faith./ *
/He looked so honest that we accepted his story on faith./

[on file] {adv. phr.} Placed in a written or electronic file; on
record. * /We are sorry we cannot hire you right now but we will keep
your application on file./

[on fire] See: SET THE WORLD ON FIRE.

[on foot] {adv.} or {adj. phr.} 1. By walking. * /Sally's bicycle
broke and she had to return home on foot./ 2. Being planned. * /The
reporter said that a civil rights demonstration was on foot./ * /Plans
have been set on foot for a party for Miss Jackson, because she is

[on guard] {adj. phr.} Watchful; watching. * /The police warned
people to he on guard for pickpockets during the Christmas rush./ *
/Two men are on guard at the door./ Contrast: OFF GUARD.

[on hand] {adv. phr.} 1a. Nearby; within reach. * /Always have your
dictionary on hand when you study./ 1b. Here. * /Soon school will end
and vacation will be on hand./ 2. Present. * /Mr. Blake's secretary is
always on hand when he appears in public./ 3. In your possession;
ready. * /The Girl Scouts have plenty of cookies on hand./ * /Tim had
no cash on hand to pay for the gas./ Compare: IN STORE.

[on high cotton] See: ON TOP OF THE WORLD also SITTING ON HIGH

[on hold] {adv. phr.} 1. Left waiting while making a telephone
call. * /"Sorry sir," the secretary said, "I'll have to put you on
hold for a minute."/ 2. Waiting; temporarily halted. * /"Put your
marriage plans on hold, son, and wait until after graduation," his
father said seriously./

[on ice] {adv.} or {adj. phr.}, {slang} 1. The same as won; sure to
be won. * /The score was 20-10 in the last inning, and our team had
the game on ice./ 2. Away for safekeeping or later use; aside. * /You
will have to put your vacation plans on ice until your debts are
paid./ * /The senator was voted out of office. He is on ice until the
next election./

[on in years] See: ALONG IN YEARS.

[onion] See: KNOW ONE'S WAY AROUND(2).


[on occasion] {adv. phr.} Sometimes; occasionally. * /We go to New
York on occasion./ * /On occasion we feel like celebrating and have a

[on one hand] {adv. phr.} Looking at a thing in one of two possible
ways; from one point of view. - Usually used with "on the other hand".
* /John wants to be a printer or a teacher; on one hand, printing pays
better; on the other hand, schools need good teachers./

[on one's account] {adv. phr.} For your good; because you want to
help or please someone. * /Barry studied hard on his mother's
account./ * /I hope you didn't bring tea to the picnic just on my
account./ * /The teacher stayed in school a little late on Tom's
account./ Compare: OF ONE'S OWN ACCORD, ON ACCOUNT OF.

[on one's back] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Making insistent demands of
you; being an annoyance or bother. * /My wife has been on my back for
weeks to fix the front door screen./ * /I can't get any work done with
the children on my back from morning until night./ * /Jim could do a
better job if his boss weren't on his back so often./ Contrast: OFF

[on one's bad side] or [on the bad side of one] {adj. phr.},
{informal} Not liked by someone; not friendly with a person. *
/Sally's boyfriend got on Father's bad side by keeping Sally out too
late after the dance./ Contrast: ON ONE'S GOOD SIDE.

[on one's behalf] See: ON BEHALF OF.

[on one's chest] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Hidden in your thoughts or
feelings and bothering you; making you feel worried or upset; that is
something you want to talk to someone about. * /Jane looks unhappy
because she has the quarrel with Susan on her chest./ * /"Well, Dave,"
said the coach, "You look sad - what's on your chest?"/ Compare: ON

[on one's coattails] {adv. phr.} Because of another's merits,
success, or popularity. * /Bob and Jim are best friends. When Jim was
invited to join a fraternity, Bob rode in on his coattails./ * /Many
people vote straight for all the candidates in the same political
party. Most people voted for President K., so Governor B. rode in on
K.'s coattails./

[on oneself] See: TAKE ON ONESELF.

[on one's feet] {adv. phr.} 1. Standing or walking; not sitting or
lying down; up. * /Before the teacher finished asking the question,
George was on his feet ready to answer it./ * /In a busy gasoline
station, the attendant is on his feet all day./ Compare: TO ONE'S
FEET. Contrast: OFF ONE'S FEET. 2. Recovering; getting better from
sickness or trouble. * /Jack is back on his feet after a long
illness./ * /Susan was on her feet soon after the operation./ * /The
bank loaned the store money to get it back on its feet after the

[on one's good behavior] {adv. phr.} Behaving right to make a good
impression. * /While his father was around the boy was on his good
behavior, but when the father left the boy soon got into mischief./ *
/The minister is coming to dinner, and Mother wants us to be on our
good behavior./

[on one's good side] or [on the good side of one] {adj. phr.},
{informal} Friendly with someone; liked by a person. * /John thought
that he would get a good grade if he got on the good side of the
teacher./ * /Successful workers stay on the good side of their
bosses./ Contrast: ON ONE'S BAD SIDE.

[on one's hands] {adv.} or {adj. phr.} In your care or
responsibility; that you must do something about. * /Mrs. Blake left
her five children with me while she shopped. I could not get anything
done with the children on my hands./ * /After everyone bought tickets
to the dance, the club treasurer had over $100 on his hands./ * /The
electricity went off while Mother was cooking supper, and she had a
problem on her hands./ * /I had time on my hands before the bus came,
so I bought a newspaper to read./ Contrast: OFF ONE'S HANDS. See: SIT

[on one's head] or [upon one's head] {adv. phr.} On one's self. *
/When the school board fired the superintendent of schools, they
brought the anger of the parents upon their heads./ * /Billy had been
naughty all day, but he really brought his parents' anger down on his
head by pushing his little sister into a mud puddle./ Compare: ABOUT

[on one's heel] See: TURN ON ONE'S HEEL.

[on one's high horse] {adj. phr.}, {informal} 1. Acting as if you
are better than others; being very proud and scornful. * /Martha was
chairman of the picnic committee, and at the picnic she was on her
high horse, telling everyone what to do./ * /Mrs. Jones asked to see a
less expensive hat. The salesgirl got up on her high horse and said
the shop did not sell cheap merchandise./ 2. Refusing to be friendly
because you are angry; in a bad temper. * /Joe was on his high horse
because he felt Mary wasn't giving him enough attention./ Contrast:

[on one's honor] {adj. phr.} Bound by one's honesty; trusted. *
/The students were not supervised during the examination. They were on
their honor not to cheat./ * /The house father put the boys on their
honor not to smoke in the dormitory./

[on one's knees] {adj. phr.} 1. Pleading; begging very hard. * /The
boys were on their knees for hours before their parents agreed to
their camping plans./ * /The Jacksons won't contribute to the Red
Cross unless you get on your knees./ 2. In a very weak condition; near
failure. * /When the graduates of the school heard that it was on its
knees they gave money generously so that it would not close./

[on one's last legs] {adj. phr.} Failing; near the end. * /The
blacksmith's business is on its last legs./ * /The dog is old and
sick. He is on his last legs./ Compare: ONE FOOT IN THE GRAVE, ON

[on one's mind] {adv. phr.} In one's thoughts. * /I'm glad you want
to talk about this. It's been on my mind for weeks./ * /What's on your
mind?/ Compare: IN MIND.

[on one's nerves] See: GET ON ONE'S NERVES.

[on one's own] {adj. phr.} With no help from others. * /It is a
happy day when you're allowed to drive a car on your own./ * /Being on
your own may be a frightening experience./ Compare: GO IT(2).

[on one's own account] or {informal} [on one's own hook] {adv.
phr.} 1. For yourself; as a free agent; independently. * /After they
had picked out the class gift, members of the committee did some
shopping on their own account./ 2. See: OF ONE'S OWN ACCORD.

[on one's own feet] See: STAND ON ONE'S OWN FEET.

[on one's own hook] See: ON ONE'S OWN ACCOUNT.

[on one's own time] {adv. phr.} During one's free time; not during
working or school hours. * /If you want to play football, you'll have
to do it on your own time./

[on one's part] or [on the part of one] {adj. phr.} 1. Of or by
you; of someone's. * /When Miss Brown said I was a good student, that
was pure kindness on her part./ * /The other team blamed their defeat
on unfairness on the part of the referee./ 2. See: FOR ONE'S PART.

[on one's shoulders] {adv.} or {adj. phr.} In your care; as your
responsibility. * /The success of the program rests on your
shoulders./ * /He acts as if he had the cares of the world on his

[on one's toes] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Alert; ready to act. * /The
successful ball player is always on his toes./ Compare: HEADS-UP, ON

[on one's uppers] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Very poor. * /Mr. White
had been out of work for several months and was on his uppers./

[on one's way] See: ON THE WAY.

[on pain of] also [under pain of] {prep.}, {formal} At the risk of;
under penalty of. * /The workers went on strike on pain of losing
their jobs./ * /The rebels had to swear under pain of death never to
confess where their comrades were hiding./

[on paper] {adv.} or {adj. phr.} Judging by appearances only and
not by past performance; in theory; theoretically. * /On paper, the
American colonies should have lost the Revolutionary War./ * /The
football team lost many games, even though they looked good on paper./

[on pins and needles] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Worried; nervous. *
/Jane's mother was on pins and needles because Jane was very late
getting home from school./ * /Many famous actors are on pins and
needles before the curtain opens for a play./

[on purpose] {adv. phr.} For a reason; because you want to; not
accidentally. * /Jane did not forget her coat; she left it in the
locker on purpose./ * /The clown fell down on purpose./

[on record] {adj. phr.} 1. An official or recorded statement or
fact; said for everyone to know. * /We do not know when the famous
writer was born, but the date of his death is on record./ * /The two
candidates went on television to put their ideas on record./ 2. Known
to have said or done a certain thing. - Usually used with "as". * /The
mayor went on record as opposing a tax raise./ * /The governor is on
record as favoring the new highway./ * /That congressman is on record
as an enemy of waste in government./ Contrast: OFF THE RECORD.

[on sale] {adj. phr.} Selling for a special low price. * /Tomato
soup that is usually sold for sixty cents a can is now on sale for
fifty cents./ * /John and Mary couldn't sell all of the lemonade at
twenty cents a cup so they have it on sale for ten cents a cup./

[on schedule(1)] {adv. phr.} As planned or expected; at the right
time. * /The school bus arrived at school on schedule./ * /The four
seasons arrive on schedule each year./ Compare: ON TIME.

[on schedule(2)] {adj. phr.} Punctual; as planned. * /The new
airline claims to have more on schedule arrivals than the

[on season] See: HIGH SEASON. Contrast: OFF SEASON.

[on second thought] See: SECOND THOUGHT.

[on sight] See: AT SIGHT.

[on table] See: WAIT AT TABLE or WAIT ON TABLE.

[on the air] {adj.} or {adv. phr.} Broadcasting or being broadcast
on radio or TV. * /His show is on the air at six o'clock./ * /The ball
game is on the air now./

[on the alert] {adj. phr.} Alert; watchful; careful. * /Campers
must be on the alert for poison ivy and poison oak./ * /Drivers must
be on the alert for traffic signals./ Compare: ON ONE'S TOES.

[on the average] See: ON AN AVERAGE.

[on the back] See: PAT ON THE BACK.

[on the ball] {adj. phr.}, {informal} 1. Paying attention and doing
things well. - Used after "is" or "get". * /Ben is really on the ball
in school./ * /The coach told Jim he must get on the ball or he cannot
stay on the team./ Compare: GET WITH IT, HEADS-UP, KEEP ONE'S EYE ON
THE BALL. 2. That is a skill or ability; making you good at things. -
Used after "have". * /John will succeed in life; he has a lot on the
ball./ * /The coach was eager to try out his new team and see what
they had on the ball./

[on the bandwagon] {adj. phr.}, {informal} In or into the newest
popular group or activity; in or into something you join just because
many others are joining it. - Often used after "climb", "get", or
"jump". * /When all George's friends decided to vote for Bill, George
climbed on the bandwagon too./ See: JUMP ON THE BANDWAGON.

[on the barrelhead] See: CASH ON THE BARRELHEAD.

[on the beam] {adv.} or {adj. phr.} 1. (Of an airplane) In the
radio beam that marks the path to follow between airports; flying in
the right direction. * /A radio signal tells the pilot of an airplane
when he is flying on the beam./ 2. {slang} Doing well; just right;
good or correct. * /Kenneth's answer was right on the beam./ Contrast:

[on the bench] 1. Sitting in a law court as a judge. * /Judge
Wyzanski is on the bench this morning./ 2. Sitting among the
substitute players. * /The coach had to keep his star player on the
bench with a sprained ankle./ Compare: BENCH WARMER.

[on the blink] {adj. phr.} Faulty; malfunctioning; inoperative. *
/I need to call a competent repairman because my computer is on the
blink again./

[on the block] {adj. phr.} To be sold; for sale. * /The vacant
house was on the block./ * /Young cattle are grown and sent to market
to be placed on the block./

[on the brain] {adj. phr.}, {slang} Filling your thoughts; too much
thought about; almost always in mind. * /Mary Ann has boys on the
brain./ * /Joe's hobby is ham radio and he has radio on the brain most
of the time./

[on the brink of] {adv. phr.} Facing a new event that's about to
happen. * /"I am on the brink of a new discovery," our physics
professor proudly announced./

[on the button] {adv., adj.}, {slang} At the right place; at the
heart of the matter. * /John's remark was right on the button./
Compare: ON THE DOT.

[on the cards] See: IN THE CARDS.

[on the carpet] See: CALL ON THE CARPET.

[on the cheap] {adv. phr.} Inexpensively; on a tight budget. * /She
buys most of her clothes on the cheap in secondhand stores./

[on the chin] See: TAKE IT ON THE CHIN.

[on the contrary] {adv. phr.} Exactly the opposite; rather;
instead. * /The principal thought that the children went to the zoo;
on the contrary, they went to the bakery./ * /"You don't like
football, do you?" "On the contrary, I like it very much."/ Compare:

[on the cuff] {adj.} or {adv. phr.}, {informal} Agreeing to pay
later; to be paid for later; on credit. * /Peter lost the money that
Mother gave him to buy meat, and the store would not let him have meat
on the cuff./ * /Many people buy cars and television sets on the

[on the dole] {adv. phr.} Drawing unemployment benefits. * /When
Jim lost his job he got on the dole and is still on it./

[on the dot] also [on the button] {adv. phr.}, {informal} Exactly
on time; not early and not late. * /Susan arrived at the party at 2:00
P.M. on the dot./ * /Ben's plane arrived on the dot./

[on the double!] {adv. phr.} Hurry up! * /"Let's go! On the
double!" the pilot cried, as he started up the engine of the small

[on the eve of] {prep.} Just before (an event). * /On the eve of
the election, the president proposed a plan to cut taxes./

[on the face of it] {adv. phr.} Apparently; as it seems. * /On the
face of it, Joe's claim that he can swim five miles is true./ * /His
statement that he is a millionaire is, on the face of it, false./

[on the fence] {adj.} or {adv. phr.} Not able, or not wanting to
choose; in doubt; undecided. - Often used with "sit". * /Jack sat on
the fence for a week last spring before he finally joined the track
team instead of the baseball team./ * /Mrs. Jones has decided to vote
for the Democrats, but Mr. Jones is still on the fence./ See:

[on the fly(1)] {adv. phr.} 1. While in the air; in flight. * /The
bird caught a bug on the fly./ * /Joe was called out because the
catcher caught the ball on the fly./ 2. {informal} Between other
activities; while busy with many things. * /The president was so busy
that he had to dictate letters on the fly./ * /John is very busy, and
people who want to talk to him have to catch him on the fly./ Compare:

[on the fly(2)] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Busy; going somewhere in a
hurry; going about doing things. * /Getting the house ready for the
visitors kept Mother on the fly all day./ * /The housekeeper of our
school is always on the fly./

[on the go] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Active and busy. * /Successful
businessmen are on the go most of the time./ * /Healthy, happy people
are usually on the go./ Compare: ON THE MOVE.

[on the heels of] {prep.} Just after; following (something,
especially an event). - Often used with "hard" for emphasis. * /Hard
on the heels of the women's liberation parade, homosexuals declared a
"gay pride week."/


[on the hour] {adv. phr.} Each time the hour has zero minutes and
zero seconds. * /The uptown bus goes past the school on the hour./ *
/The woman must take her pill on the hour./

[on the house] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Paid for by the owner. * /At
the opening of the new hotel, the champagne was on the house./ *
/Oscar was the first customer at the diner, so his lunch was on the

[on the increase] See: ON THE WAX. Contrast: ON THE DECREASE, ON

[on the job] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Working hard; not wasting
time. * /Joe was on the job all of the time that he was at work./ *
/The school paper came out on time because the editors were on the

[on the knees of the gods] See: IN THE LAP OF THE GODS.

[on the lam] {adj.} or {adv. phr.}, {slang} Running away,
especially from the law; in flight. * /The bank robber was on the lam
for ten months before the police caught him./ - Sometimes used in the
phrase "take it on the lam". * /After a big quarrel with her father,
the girl took it on the lam./

[on the level] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Honest and fair; telling the
whole truth. * /Our teacher respects the students who are on the level
with her./ * /Joyce wondered if the fortune-teller was on the level./

[on the line] See: LAY ON THE LINE or PUT ON THE LINE.


[on the lookout] {adj. phr.} Watching closely. * /The little boy
was on the lookout for his father./ * /Forest rangers are always on
the lookout for forest fires./ * /The doctor is on the lookout for a
new secretary./

[on the loose] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Free to go; not shut in or
stopped by anything. * /The zookeeper forgot to close the gate to the
monkey cage and the monkeys were on the loose./ * /All of the seniors
were on the loose on "Senior Skip Day."/

[on the make] {adj.}, {slang} 1. Promiscuous or aggressive in one's
sexual advances. * /I can't stand Murray; he's always on the make./ 2.
Pushing to get ahead in one's career; doing anything to succeed. *
/The new department head is a young man on the make, who expects to be
company president in ten years./

[on the map] See: PUT ON THE MAP.

[on the market] {adj. phr.} For sale. * /In the summer many fresh
vegetables are on the market./ * /The Goodwins put their house on the
market in January, but they did not sell it till August./

[on the mend] {adj. phr.} Healing; becoming better. * /John's
broken leg is on the mend./ * /Mary's relationship with Joan is on the

[on die money] {adv. phr.} Exactly right; exactly accurate. *
/Algernon won the lottery; the numbers he picked were right on the
money./ Compare: ON THE NOSE.

[on the move] {adj.} or {adv. phr.} 1. Moving around from place to
place; in motion. * /It was a very cold day, and the teacher watching
the playground kept on the move to stay warm./ * /It was vacation
time, and the highways were full of families on the move./ 2. Moving
forward; going somewhere. * /The candidate promised that if people
would make him president, he would get the country on the move./

[on the nose] {adv. phr.}, {informal} Just right; exactly. *
/Stanley hit the ball on the nose./ * /The airplane pilot found the
small landing field on the nose./

[on the other foot] See: SHOE ON THE OTHER FOOT.

[on the other hand] {adv. phr.} Looking at the other side; from
another point of view. - Used to introduce an opposite or different
fact or idea. * /Jim wanted to go to the movies; his wife, on the
other hand, wanted to stay home and read./ * /Mr. Harris may still
want a boy to mow his lawn; on the other hand, he may have found
someone to do it./ Compare: ON ONE HAND.

[on the outs] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Not friendly; having a
quarrel. * /Mary and Sue were on the outs./ * /Being on the outs with
a classmate is very upsetting./ Syn.: AT ODDS.

[on the point of] {prep.} Ready to begin; very near to. - Usually
used with a verbal noun. * /The coach was on the point of giving up
the game when our team scored two points./ * /The baby was on the
point of crying when her mother finally came home./ Compare: ABOUT TO,

[on the Q.T.] {adv. phr.}, {informal} Secretly; without anyone's
knowing. * /George and Paul formed a club on the Q.T./ * /The teachers
got the principal a present strictly on the Q.T./ (from quiet.)

[on the road] {adv.} or {adj. phr.} 1. Traveling; moving from one
place to another. * /When we go on vacation, we take a lunch to eat
while on the road./ * /Mr. Smith is on the road for his insurance
company./ 2. Changing; going from one condition to another. * /Mary
was very sick for several weeks, but now she is on the road to
recovery./ * /Hard study in school put John on the road to success./

[on the rocks] {adj. phr.} 1. {informal} Wrecked or ruined. * /Mr.
Jones' business and marriage were both on the rocks./ 2. With ice
only. * /At the restaurant, Sally ordered orange juice on the rocks./

[on the ropes] {adv.} or {adj. phr.} 1. Against the ropes of a
boxing ring and almost not able to stand up. * /The fighter was on the
ropes and could hardly lift his gloves./ 2. Almost defeated; helpless;
near failure. * /The new supermarket took most of the business from
Mr. Thomas's grocery, and the little store was soon on the ropes./

[on the run] {adv.} or {adj. phr.} 1. In a hurry; hurrying. * /Jane
called "Help!" and Tom came on the run./ * /Modern mothers are usually
on the run./ 2. Going away from a fight; in retreat; retreating. *
/The enemy soldiers were on the run./

[on the safe side] {adv. phr.} Provided for against a possible
emergency; well prepared. * /"Please double-check these proofs, Mr.
Brown," the printer said, "just to be on the safe side."/

[on the shelf] {adv.} or {adj. phr.}, {informal} Laid aside; not
useful anymore. * /When a girl grows up, she puts childish habits on
the shelf./ * /Mr. Myron's company put him on the shelf when he
reached the age of 65./

[on the side] {adv. phr.}, {informal} 1. In addition to a main
thing, amount or quantity; extra. * /He ordered a hamburger with
onions and French fries on the side./ * /His job at the hospital did
not pay much, so he found another on the side./ * /The cowboys in the
rodeo competed for prize money and also made bets on the side./ 2. or
[on the --- side] Tending toward; rather. * /Grandmother thought
Jane's new skirt was on the short side./

[on the sly] {adv. phr.} So that other people won't know; secretly.
* /The boys smoked on the sly./ * /Mary's mother did not approve of
lipstick, but Mary used it on the sly./

[on the spot] {adv.} or {adj. phr.} 1. or [upon the spot] At that
exact time and at the same time or place; without waiting or leaving.
* /The news of important events is often broadcast on the spot over
television./ * /When Tom ruined an expensive machine, his boss fired
him on the spot./ Compare: AT ONCE, IN ONE'S TRACKS, THEN AND THERE.
2. {informal} also [in a spot] In trouble, difficulty, or
embarrassment. * /Mr. Jones is on the spot because he cannot pay back
the money he borrowed./ * /Bill is on the spot; he invited George to
visit him, but Bill's parents said no./ Compare: BACK TO THE WALL. 3.
{slang} In danger of murder; named or listed for death. * /After he
talked to the police, the gangsters put him on the spot./

[on the spur of the moment] {adv. phr.} On a sudden wish or
decision; suddenly; without thought or preparation. * /John had not
planned to take the trip; he just left on the spur of the moment./ *
/Mary saw a help-wanted advertisement and applied for the job on the
spur of the moment./

[on the stage] {adv.} or {adj. phr.} In or into the work of being
an actor or actress. * /John's brother is on the stage./ * /Mary went
on the stage./

[on the strength of] {prep.} With faith or trust in; depending
upon; with the support of. * /On the strength of Jim's promise to
guide us, we decided to climb the mountain./ * /Bill started a
restaurant on the strength of his experience as a cook in the army./

[on the string] or [on a string] {adv. phr.}, {informal} Under your
influence or control; obedient to every wish. * /The baby had his
mother on a string./ * /She was pretty and popular, with two or three
boys on the string all the time./

[on the take] {adv. phr.} Bribable; corrupt. * /Officer O'Keefe was
put on three months' probation because it was alleged that he was on
the take./

[on the tip of one's tongue] {adv. phr.} About to say something,
such as a name, a telephone number, etc., but unable to remember it
for the moment. * /"His name is on the tip of my tongue," Tom said.
"It will come to me in a minute."/

[on the town] {adv.} or {adj. phr.}, {informal} In or into a town
to celebrate; having a good time or enjoying the amusements in a town.
* /When the sailors got off their ship they went out on the town./

[on the track of] or [on the trail of] Hunting or looking for;
trying to find; following. * /The hunter is on the track of a deer./ *
/The lawyer is on the trail of new proof in the case./ * /Jim collects
old stamps; he is on the track of one in Midville this afternoon./

[on the trail of] See: ON THE TRACK OF.

[on the trigger] See: QUICK ON THE TRIGGER.

[on the up and up] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Honest; trustworthy;
sincere. * /We felt that he was honest and could be trusted. This
information is on the up and up./ Compare: ON THE LEVEL.

[on the vine] See: DIE ON THE VINE or WITHER ON THE VINE.

[on the wagon] {adv. phr.} Participating in an alcohol addiction
program; not touching any alcoholic beverage. * /Jim's doctor and his
family finally managed to convince him that he was an alcoholic and
should go on the wagon./ Contrast: FALL OFF THE WAGON.

[on the wane and on the wax] {adv. phr.} Decreasing and increasing.
- Said of the moon. * /The moon is regularly on the wane and on the
wax at regular intervals lasting half a month./

[on the warpath] {adj. phr.}, {informal} 1. Very angry. * /When
Mother saw the mess in the kitchen she went on the warpath./ * /Betty
has been on the warpath ever since she found out she was not invited
to the party./ 2. Making an attack; fighting. * /The government is on
the warpath against narcotics./ * /The police are on the warpath
against speeders./

[on the watch] {adj. phr.} Alert; watchful. * /The customs
inspector was on the watch for diamond smugglers./ * /Mary was on the
watch for bargains at the auction./ Compare: EYE OUT, LOOK OUT(2).

[on the way] or [on one's way] {adv.} or {adj. phr.} Coming; going
toward a place or goal; started. * /Help was on the way./ * /The train
left and Bill was on his way to New York./ * /He is well on the way to
becoming a fine mechanic./

[on the whole] {adv. phr.} 1. In the most important things; in most
ways. * /On the whole, Billy did very well in school this year./ *
/Everybody agreed that on the whole it was a good show./ Syn.: IN
ALL(2), FOR THE MOST PART. 2. In most cases; usually. * /On the whole,
men are stronger than women./ * /On the whole, children begin walking
when they are about one year old./ Syn.: BY AND LARGE, IN GENERAL.

[on the wing] {adv.} or {adj. phr.} 1. In the air; while flying. *
/The duck flew away, but John shot it on the wing./ 2. {informal} In
constant motion; always very busy. * /Susan was on the wing doing
things to get ready for her trip./ * /Mr. Jones had a busy schedule
and his secretary had to catch him on the wing to sign the letters./
Syn.: ON THE FLY. 3. {informal} Moving from one place to another;
traveling; going somewhere. * /Mary's husband is a traveling salesman
and he's always on the wing./ * /They stayed in France for a week and
then they were on the wing again./ Syn.: ON THE GO, ON THE MOVE.

[on the words] See: HANG ON THE WORDS OF.

[on the wrong foot] See: GET OFF ON THE WRONG FOOT.

[on the wrong side of the bed] See: GET UP ON THE WRONG SIDE OF THE

[on the wrong track] {adv. phr.} Lost; pursuing the wrong lead. *
/Professor MacAlister confessed that his chemical experiments were on
the wrong track./ Contrast: BARK UP THE WRONG TREE.

[on time] {adv.} or {adj. phr.} 1. At the time arranged; not late;
promptly. * /The train left on time./ * /Mary is always on time for an
appointment./ Contrast: AHEAD OF TIME, BEHIND TIME. 2. On the
installment plan; on credit, paying a little at a time. * /John bought
a car on time./ * /You can buy things at the department store on

[on top] {adv.} or {adj. phr.}, {informal} In the lead; with
success; with victory. * /The horse that everyone had expected would
be on top actually came in third./ * /Although John had been afraid
that he was not prepared for the exam, he came out on top./

[on top of] {prep}. 1. On the top of; standing or lying on; on. *
/When the player on the other team dropped the ball, Bill fell on top
of it./ * /That high hill has a tower on top of it./ 2. {informal}
Very close to. * /The elevator was so crowded that everybody was on
top of each other./ * /I couldn't find my umbrella and then I realized
I was almost on top of it./ 3. {informal} In addition to; along with.
* /Mrs. Lane had many expenses and on top of everything else, her baby
became ill./ * /Mary worked at the store all day and on top of that
she had to baby-sit with her brother./ 4. {informal} Managing very
well; in control of. * /Although his new job was very complicated,
John was on top of it within a few weeks./ * /No matter what goes
wrong, Mary always stays on top of it./ 5. Knowing all about; not
falling behind in information about; up-to-date on. * /Mary stays on
top of the news by reading newspapers and magazines./ * /When he was
in California, Mr. Jones kept on top of things in his office by
telephoning every day./

[on top of the world] or [sitting on top of the world] also
(Southern) [sitting on high cotton] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Feeling
pleased and happy; feeling successful. * /John was on top of the world
when he found out that he got into college./ * /When Ruth won first
prize in the contest, she felt as though she was sitting on top of the
world./ * /The girls were sitting on high cotton because their
basketball team had won the trophy./ Compare: FLYING HIGH, WALK ON

[on trial] {adv.} or {adj. phr.} 1. For testing or trying out for a
time before making a decision. * /I was lucky that I had bought the
machine on trial because I didn't like it and was able to return it./
* /Mother bought a new dishwasher on trial and was trying it out
before deciding whether to keep it./ 2. In a court being tried for a
crime before a judge or jury. * /John White was on trial for murder./
* /Mary was on trial before the Student Committee for spoiling school

[on words] See: PLAY ON WORDS.

[on your life] See: NOT ON YOUR LIFE.


[open and aboveboard] {adj. phr.} Honest. * /Jacob felt that the
firm he was doing business with wasn't entirely open and aboveboard./

[open and shut] See: CUT AND DRIED.

[open arms] See: RECEIVE WITH OPEN ARMS.

[open-door policy] {n. phr.} A policy that states that newcomers
are welcome to join the company, firm, or country in question. *
/During the nineteenth century the United States had an open-door
policy regarding immigration./

[open fire] {v. phr.} To begin shooting. * /The big warship turned
its guns toward the enemy ship and opened fire./ * /When the policeman
called to the robber to stop, he turned and suddenly opened fire./

[openhanded] {adj.} Generous; liberal. * /Although not wealthy
himself, Bob was always very openhanded with those who needed help./

[open heart] {n.} 1. No hiding of your feelings; frankness;
freedom. * /She spoke with an open heart of her warm feelings for her
pupils./ * /She told her troubles with an open heart./ Compare: HEART
ON ONE'S SLEEVE. 2. Kindness; generosity. * /She contributed to the
fund with an open heart./ * /Mr. Jones has an open heart for
underprivileged children./ Compare: OPEN ONE'S HEART.

[open its doors] {v. phr.} 1. To allow someone or something to
enter or join; become open. * /That college was started for women
only, but a few years ago it opened its doors to men./ 2. To begin
doing business; open. * /Proffitts Department Store is having a
birthday sale; it first opened its doors fifty years ago this month./

[open letter] {n. phr.} A public message in the form of a letter
addressed to a particular person or to a group. * /There was an open
letter to the president of the United States in today's morning

[open market] {n. phr.} Goods or securities available for purchase
by all. * /The stocks of certain companies are on the open market./

[open marriage] {n. phr.} An arrangement by mutual agreement
between husband and wife whereby they are both allowed to have
extramarital affairs. * /Chances are the open marriage arrangement
they had didn't work out too well so they are getting a divorce./

[open-minded] {adj.} Having no dogmatic or biased views on matters
of theory, religion, politics, etc. * /Fred is easy to talk to about
anything; he is a highly intelligent and open-minded person./

[open one's eyes] or [open up one's eyes] {v. phr.} To make a
person see or understand the truth; make a person realize; tell a
person what is really happening or what really exists. * /Mary didn't
believe that her cousin could be mean until the cousin opened Mary's
eyes by scratching and biting her./ * /John's eyes were opened up to
the world of nature when he visited his grandfather's farm./ Compare:
EYES OPEN, WISE UP. - [eye opener] {n.} Something that makes you
understand the truth. * /Pam's first visit to school was a real

[open one's heart] {v. phr.} 1. To talk about your feelings
honestly; confide in someone. * /After going around worrying, Mary
opened her heart to her mother./ * /John felt much better after he
opened his heart to Betty./ 2. To be sympathetic to; give love or help
generously. * /Mrs. Smith opened her heart to the poor little boy./ *
/After the moving speech by the UN official, the people opened their
hearts to the poor people of India./ Compare: OPEN HEART, WEAR ONE'S

[open onto] {v. phr.} To have a view of. * /Our apartment in
Chicago has a set of windows that open onto Lake Michigan./

[open Pandora's box] See: PANDORA'S BOX.

[open question] {n. phr.} A debatable issue. * /Whether assisted
suicide is legal and moral or not is still an open question, recent
publicity on the matter notwithstanding./

[open secret] {n.} Something that is supposed to be a secret but
that everyone knows. * /It is an open secret that Mary and John are
engaged./ * /Who will be appointed as the next president of the
college is an open secret./

[open sesame] {n. phr.}, {literary} Immediate means of entrance, or
unobstructed access to something. * /Tom mistakenly believed that his
wealth would be an open sesame to the world of creative arts./

[open shop] {n. phr.} A factory or firm that employs both union and
non-union labor. * /The firm refuses to adopt an open shop policy./
Contrast: CLOSED SHOP.

[open the door] {v. phr.} To allow more action or discussion; give
a chance. * /Learning to read and write opens the door to a better job
and better living conditions./ * /Raising the tax rates will open the
door to more help for older people./ Contrast: CLOSE THE DOOR.

[open the floodgates] {v. phr.} To let loose an outburst of human
activity or emotion. * /It would open the floodgates of anger and
discontent if the university raised tuition too soon./

[open up] {v.} 1. To show for the first time; make clear; reveal. *
/The story of Helen Keller's life opened up a whole new world to
Mary./ * /Einstein's theories opened up a whole new area for study./
2. To make available; present an opportunity; offer. * /The building
of the railroad opened up new lands to the pioneers./ * /John opened
up a whole new section of the Scrabble board./ 3. {informal} To go
faster. * /When they got out on the highway John opened up and drove
at 65 miles per hour./ 4. {informal} To begin to shoot. * /When they
got close to the enemy lines, they opened up with all they had./ 5.
{informal} To begin to talk frankly. * /After John learned to trust
Mr. Jones, he opened up and told him how he felt./ 6. To spread out. *
/After a while the road opened up and they traveled more quickly./ 7.
To become available. * /When she got her college diploma, many new
jobs opened up./

[open up one's eyes] See: OPEN ONE'S EYES.

[opinion] See: MATTER OP OPINION.

[opposite number] {n. phr.} A person occupying the same position as
someone in a different group, organization, or country. * /The
opposite number of the President of the United States in Germany is
the Chancellor of the Federal Republic./

[opposite sex] {n. phr.} The sex different from the one being
discussed or mentioned. * /Fred came out and said he was gay, having
never had any interest in the opposite sex./

[optional origin] {n.} Stipulation in international commodities
contract whereby the seller may ship from either his foreign or his
domestic resources. * /Be sure to enter that in the books as an
optional origin order./

[orbit] See: GO INTO ORBIT.


[order about] or [around] {v. phr.} To dictate arrogantly to
someone; domineer. * /Dan orders his younger colleagues around in a
most unpleasant way./

[ordinary] See: OUT OF THE ORDINARY.

[or other] {adv.} - Used to emphasize indefinite words or phrases
beginning with "some" (as "someone", "something", "somewhere",
"somehow", "sometime"). * /Somehow or other, Linda managed to get to
the show on time./ * /I'll think of something or other for the
program./ * /She found a beautiful cup and saucer somewhere or other./
* /I'll get around to cleaning the closets sometime or other./ *
/Someone or other will take the letters to the post office./

[or so] {adv.} About; or a little more. * /Mr. Brown will be back
in a day or so./ * /The book cost $5 or so./ * /There will be twenty
or so people at the party./ Compare: MORE OR LESS.


[other fish to fry] {n. phr.}, {informal} Other things to do; other
plans. * /They wanted John to be the secretary, but he had other fish
to fry./ * /Mary was invited to the party but she refused because she
had other fish to fry./

[other side of the tracks] See: WRONG SIDE OF THE TRACKS.

[out and about] See: UP AND ABOUT.

[out-and-out] {adj.} Extreme; complete; thorough. * /The candidate
was an out-and-out conservative./ * /It was out-and-out robbery to
charge twice the usual price for eggs just because they were scarce./

[out at the elbows] {adj. phr.} Poorly or shabbily dressed. * /Roy
walks around out at the elbows, but it's not because he is penniless,
but more in imitation of a certain style./

[out back] {adv. phr.} In one's backyard. * /On the Fourth of July
they were out back making preparations for their holiday barbecue./

[outback] {n.} 1. The remote and uncultivated wilderness areas of
Australia or New Zealand, with very few inhabitants. * /Mike and
Barbara roughed it in the Australian outback for nearly two years./ 2.
Any remote, sparsely populated region. * /Tom's old ranch in Texas is
next to an arid outback./

[out cold] {adv.} or {adj.}, {informal} Unconscious; in a faint. *
/The ball hit Dick in the head and knocked him out cold for ten
minutes./ * /They tried to lift Mary when she fell down, but she was
out cold./ Syn.: OUT LIKE A LIGHT(2). Compare: PASS OUT.

[outer space] {n.} What is outside of the earth's air. * /An
astronaut cannot live without oxygen when he goes into outer space./

[out for] {prep.} Joining, or planning to join; taking part in;
competing for a place in. * /John is out for the basketball team./ *
/Mary is going out for the school newspaper./ Compare: TRY OUT.

[out from under] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Free from something that
worries you; seeing the end; finished. - Usually used with "be" or
"get". * /Mary had so much to do in the new house she felt as though
she would never be out from under./ * /John had so many debts, he
couldn't get out from under./

[out in force] {adv. phr.} Present in very large numbers; en masse.
* /On the Fourth of July the police cars are out in force in the
Chicago area./

[out in left field] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Far from the right
answer; wrong; astray. * /Johnny tried to answer the teacher's
question but he was way out in left field./ * /Susan tried to guess
what the surprise was but she was way out in left field./ 2. Speaking
or acting very queerly; crazy. * /The girl next door was always queer,
but after her father died, she was really out in left field and had to
go to a hospital./ Compare: OUT OF ONE'S HEAD.

[out in the cold] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Alone; not included. *
/All the other children were chosen for parts in the play, but Johnny
was left out in the cold./ * /Everybody made plans for Christmas Day
and Mary found herself out in the cold./ Compare: HIGH AND DRY.

[out in the open] See: COME OUT IN THE OPEN.

[out like a light] {adj. phr.}, {informal} 1. Fast asleep; to sleep
very quickly. * /Tom got so much fresh air and exercise that he went
out like a light as soon as he lay down./ * /As soon as the lights
were turned off, Johnny was out like a light./ 2. In a faint;
unconscious. * /Johnny was hit by a ball and went out like a light./ *
/After she read that Tom had married another girl Jean was out like a
light for several minutes./ Compare: OUT COLD.

[out loud] {adv. phr.} In an ordinary speaking voice and not
whispering or talking quietly; so everybody can hear; aloud. * /The
teacher read the final grades out loud./ * /Mary spoke out loud so the
people standing nearby would hear./ * /Sometimes I find it helpful to
think out loud./

[out of] {prep.} 1a. From the inside to the outside of. * /John
took the apple out of the bag./ * /Get out of the car!/ * /The teacher
has gone out of town./ 1b. In a place away from. * /No, you can't see
Mr. Jones; he is out of the office today./ * /Our house is ten miles
out of town./ 2. From a particular condition or situation; not in;
from; in a way changed from being in. * /The drugstore is going out of
business./ * /The sick man is out of danger at last./ * /Bob is never
out of trouble./ 3. Beyond the range of. * /The plane is out of sight
now./ * /If you can't swim, don't go out of your depth./ 4. From (a
source). * /Mother asked Billy who started the fight, but she couldn't
get anything out of him./ * /The teacher gave a test to see what the
students got out of the lesson./ * /Mr. Jones made a fortune out of
cotton./ 5. Because of; as a result of. * /Mary scolded Joan out of
jealousy./ * /The cat ran away out of fear of the dog./ 6. Without;
not having. * /The store is out of coffee./ * /John's father is out of
work./ 7. From (a material). * /The house is built out of stone./ *
/His suit is made out of cotton and is cool./ 8. From among. * /The
man picked Joe out of the crowd./ * /Our team won eight out of ten
games last season./

[out of a bandbox] See: LOOK AS IF ONE HAS COME OUT OF A BANDBOX.

[out of account] See: LEAVE OUT OF ACCOUNT.

[out of a clear sky] or [out of a clear blue sky] See: OUT OF THE

[out of action] {adv. phr.} Useless; crippled; damaged so as to be
quiescent. * /American bombers put Nazi heavy industry out of action
during World War II./ * /When I broke my leg I was out of action for
the entire football season./

[out of all proportion] {adv. phr.} Disproportionate; lopsided. *
/The news coverage of the sensational celebrity double murder has
grown out of all proportion, obscuring the international news./

[out of bounds] {adv.} or {adj. phr.} 1. Outside of the boundary
lines in a game; not on or inside the playing field. * /Bill thought
he had scored a touchdown, but he had stepped out of bounds before he
reached the goal line./ 2. Outside of a circumscribed area for a
certain kind of work, such as construction or military site. * /The
principal told the students that the new gymnasium being built on the
school grounds was out of bounds./ * /The captain's cabin is out of
bounds to the passengers on the ship./ Contrast: WITHIN BOUNDS. 3.
Outside of safe or proper limits; not doing what is proper; breaking
the rules of good behavior. * /John was out of bounds when he called
Tom a liar in the meeting./ * /His request for a 25% salary raise was
totally out of bounds./

[out of breath] {adj.} or {adv. phr.} Not breathing easily or
regularly; gasping; panting. * /The fat man was out of breath after
climbing the stairs./ * /The mile run left Bill out of breath./

[out of character] {adv.} or {adj. phr.} 1. Not in agreement with a
person's character or personality; not in the way that a person
usually behaves or is expected to behave; not usual; unsuitable;
uncharacteristic. * /Mary is a nice girl. Her fit of temper was out of
character./ 2. Not in character; unsuitable for a part or character. *
/It isn't always out of character for a young actor to play an old
man, if he is a good actor./ Contrast: IN CHARACTER.

[out of circulation] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Not out in the company
of friends, other people, and groups; not active; not joining in what
others are doing. * /John has a job after school and is out of
circulation with his friends./ Contrast: IN CIRCULATION.

[out of commission] {adj. phr.} 1. Retired from active military
service; no longer on active duty. * /When the war was over, many
warships were placed out of commission./ Contrast: IN COMMISSION(1).
2. Not in use or not working; so that it cannot work or be used. *
/The strike put the airline out of commission for a week./ * /John
will have to walk to the store. His bicycle is out of commission./
Compare: OUT OF ORDER. Contrast: IN COMMISSION(2).

[out of condition] See: OUT OF SHAPE or OUT OF CONDITION.

[out of date] {adj. phr.} Old fashioned; superseded; no longer
valid; too old to be used. * /Father's suit is out of date; he needs a
new one./ * /The news magazines in the doctor's office were all out of

[out of fashion] {adj. phr.} Having passed from vogue; out of the
current mode. * /The miniskirt is now out of fashion in most quarters,
but it may very well come back some day./

[out of gas] {adv. phr.} 1. Out of fuel (said of automobiles). *
/Be sure you don't run out of gas when you go on a long distance trip
by car./ 2. Rundown; depleted of energy; in poor physical condition. *
/Mary said she had to take a break from her job as she was running
totally out of gas./

[out of gear] See: THROW OUT OF GEAR.

[out of hand] {adv. phr.} 1. Out of control. * /Bobby's birthday
party got out of hand and the children were naughty./ * /Small puppies
often get out of hand./ 2. Suddenly, quickly without examination of
possible truth or merit; without any consideration. - Often used after
"dismiss" or "reject". * /The senator rejected out of hand the
critics' call for his resignation./ Compare: OUT OF LINE. Contrast: IN

[out of hot water] See: HOT WATER.

[out of keeping] {adj. phr.} Not going well together; not agreeing;
not proper. * /Loud talk was out of keeping in the library./ * /It was
out of keeping for the kind man to kick the dog./ Contrast: IN

[out of kilter] {adj. phr.}, {informal} 1. Not balanced right; not
in a straight line or lined up right. * /The scale must be out of
kilter because when I weighed myself on it, it said 300 pounds./ *
/The wheels of my bicycle were out of kilter after it hit the tree./
Contrast: IN BALANCE. 2. Needing repair; not working right. * /My
watch runs too slowly; it must be out of kilter./ Syn.: OUT OF

[out of line(1)] {adv. phr.} Not in a straight line; away from a
true line. * /The two edges were out of line and there was a space
between them./ * /The sergeant ordered the soldier who was out of line
to get properly lined up./

[out of line(2)] {adj. phr.} Not obeying or agreeing with what is
right or usual; doing or being what people do not expect or accept;
outside ordinary or proper limits; not usual, right, or proper. *
/Little Mary got out of line and was rude to Aunt Elizabeth./ * /The
teacher asked Charlie not to tell one of the jokes because it was out
of line./ * /Mrs. Green thought the repair man's charge was out of
line./ Compare: OUT OF HAND, OUT OF ORDER. Contrast: IN LINE(2).

[out of line with] {prep.} Not in agreement with. * /The price of
the bicycle was out of line with what Bill could afford./

[out of luck] {adj. phr.} Being unlucky; having bad luck; having
something bad happen to you. * /Mr. Jones missed his train and was out
of luck in getting to the ball game on time./ * /All of the girls had
dates so Ben was out of luck./

[out of mind] See: OUT OF SIGHT, out OF MIND.

[out of nowhere] {adv. phr.} Without having been seen before;
suddenly and unexpectedly. * /Mr. Jones was driving too fast on the
express highway when a police patrol car appeared out of nowhere and
stopped him./ Syn.: OUT OF THE BLUE.

[out of one's blood] {adv. phr.} Separate from one's feelings,
interests, or desires. * /When Tom moved to the city, he couldn't get
the country out of his blood./ * /Mary is having a hard job getting
summer laziness out of her blood./ Contrast: IN ONE'S BLOOD.

[out of one's element] {adv. phr.} Outside of your natural
surroundings; where you do not belong or fit in. * /Wild animals are
out of their element in cages./ * /Chris is out of his element in
singing class./ Compare: OUT OF PLACE, BEYOND ONE'S DEPTH. Contrast:

[out of one's hair] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Rid of as a nuisance;
relieved of as an annoyance. * /Harry got the boys out of his hair so
he could study./ Compare: OUT OF ONE'S WAY. Contrast: IN ONE'S HAIR.

[out of one's hand] See: EAT OUT OF ONE'S HAND.

[out of one's head] or [out of one's mind] or [out of one's senses]
also [off one's head] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Acting in a crazy way;
especially, wildly crazy. * /The patient was feverish and out of his
head and had to be watched./ * /Her friends thought she was out of her
mind to marry that man./ Compare: OFF ONE'S ROCKER. Contrast: COME TO

[out of one's mind] See: OUT OF ONE'S HEAD.

[out of one's mouth] See: TAKE THE BREAD OUT OF ONE'S MOUTH, TAKE

[out of one's pocket] {adv. phr.} Having sustained a financial
loss; poorer by a said amount. * /The show was so bad that, besides
having a lousy time, I was also $35 out of my pocket./

[out of one's sails] See: TAKE THE WIND OUT OF ONE'S SAILS.

[out of one's senses] See: OUT OF ONE'S HEAD.

[out of one's shell] {adv. phr.}, {informal} Out of one's
bashfulness or silence; into friendly conversation. - Usually used
after "come". * /John wouldn't come out of his shell and talk to the
boys and girls at the party./ * /The other girls tried to draw Ella
out of her shell, but without success./ Contrast: IN ONE'S SHELL.

[out of one's skin] See: JUMP OU T OF ONE'S SKIN.

[out of one's way] See: OUT OF THE WAY(3).

[out of one's wits] See: SCARE OUT OF ONE'S WITS.

[out of (one's) reach] {adv. phr.} Unreachable; unattainable;
unobtainable. * /Sam wanted to be a United States senator but he came
to realize that such a dream was out of his reach./

[out of order] {adv.} or {adj. phr.} 1. In the wrong order; not
coming after one another in the right way. * /Peter wrote the words of
the sentence out of order./ * /Don't get out of order, children. Stay
in your places in line./ Contrast: IN ORDER. 2. In poor condition; not
working properly. * /Our television set is out of order./ 3. Against
the rules; not suitable. * /The judge told the people in the courtroom
that they were out of order because they were so noisy./ * /The
children's whispering was out of order in the church./ Compare: OUT OF
Contrast: IN ORDER.

[out of place(1)] {adv. phr.} Not in the right or usual place or
position. * /Harry fell and knocked one of his teeth out of place./ *
/The teacher lined up the class and told them not to get out of
place./ Compare: OUT OF ORDER. Contrast: IN PLACE.

[out of place(2)] {adj. phr.} In the wrong place or at the wrong
time; not suitable; improper. * /Joan was the only girl who wore a
formal at the party, and she felt out of place./ * /It was out of
place for Russell to laugh at the old lady./ Compare: OUT OF ONE'S

[out-of-pocket expenses] {n. phr.} Expenses one has to pay for
oneself, not the company that sends one on a given assignment, such as
tips for waiters, cab drivers, etc. * /Luckily, my out-of-pocket
expenses didn't amount to more than $15./

[out of practice] {adj. phr.} Not in proper condition; unable to do
something well because of lack of practice. * /The basketball team got
out of practice during the Christmas holidays./ Compare: OUT OF SHAPE.
Contrast: IN PRACTICE.

[out of print] {adj. phr.} No longer obtainable from the publisher
because the printed copies have been sold out; no longer printed. *
/The book is out of print. An edition of one thousand copies was sold
and no more copies were printed./ Compare: OUT OF STOCK. Contrast: IN

[out of school] See: TELL TALES OUT OF SCHOOL.

[out of season] {adv. phr.} 1. Not at the right or lawful time for
hunting or catching. * /The boys were caught fishing out of season./
2. Not at the usual time for growing and selling. * /The corn we get
out of season is different from the kind we grow here./ Contrast: IN

[out of shape] or [out of condition] {adj. phr.} 1. Not in good
condition; not able to perform well. * /Father was out of shape when
he took a long hike with the boys, and he was stiff and sore the next
day./ * /Jack's pitching arm got out of condition during the winter,
when he wasn't using it./ Compare: OUT OF PRACTICE. 2. Not look the
same; changed. * /Someone sat on father's new hat and mashed it. It is
now out of shape./ Contrast: IN SHAPE.

[out of sight] {adv. phr.} 1. Not within one's field of vision. *
/The sailboat disappeared out of sight over the horizon./ 2. Extremely
expensive. * /The builder's estimate was so high that it was out of
sight./ 3. Unbelievable; fantastic; incredible (both in the positive
and the negative sense; an exaggeration.) * /Roxanne is such a
stunning beauty, it's simply out of sight./ * /Mr. Gargoyle is so
repulsive, it's out of sight./ 4. Unreachable; unrealizable; belonging
to the world of fiction and fantasy. * /Max's dreams about winning the
Senatorial election are really out of
sight; he admits it himself./ Compare: PIPE DREAM.

[out of sight, out of mind] If one doesn't see something for an
extended period of time, one tends to forget about it. - A proverb. *
/After Caroline moved out of town, Ray soon found other women to date.
As the saying goes, "out of sight, out of mind."/

[out of sorts] {adj. phr.} In an angry or unhappy mood; in a bad
temper; grouchy. * /Mary was out of sorts and wouldn't say good
morning./ * /Bob was out of sorts because he didn't get a bicycle for
his birthday./

[out of step] {adv.} or {adj. phr.} 1. Not in step; not matching
strides or keeping pace with another or others. * /George always
marches out of step with the music./ 2. Out of harmony; not keeping
up. - Often followed by "with". * /Just because you don't smoke, it
doesn't mean you are out of step with other boys and girls your age./
Contrast: IN STEP.

[out of stock] {adj. phr.} Having none for sale or use; no longer
in supply; sold out. * /When Father tried to get tires for an old car,
the man in the store said that size was out of stock and were not sold
anymore./ * /So many children have bought balloons that the store is
now out of stock./ Compare: OUT OF PRINT. Contrast: IN STOCK.

[out of the blue] or [out of a clear sky] or [out of a clear blue
sky] {adv. phr.}, {informal} Without any warning; by surprise;
unexpectedly. * /At the last minute Johnny came out of the blue to
catch the pass and score a touchdown./ * /The cowboy thought he was
alone but suddenly out of a clear sky there were bandits all around

[out of the corner of one's eye] {adv. phr.} Without looking at a
person or thing directly or openly; secretly; without being noticed. *
/The cat looked at the mouse out of the corner of his eye./ * /Mike
watched the boys across the street out of the corner of his eye as he
mowed the lawn./

[out of the frying pan into the fire] Out of one trouble into worse
trouble; from something bad to something worse. - A proverb. * /The
movie cowboy was out of the frying pan into the fire. After he escaped
from the robbers, he was captured by Indians./

[out of the hole] {adv.} or {adj. phr.}, {informal} 1a. With a
score better than zero in a game; especially a card game, to a score
above zero. * /It took us a long time to get out of the hole in the
card game./ 1b. Even with an opponent after being behind; out of
trouble in a sport or game. * /The team played very hard, but could
not get out of the hole./ 2. Out of debt; ahead financially. * /It was
a small business, but it was wisely managed, and it kept out of the
hole./ * /The first year was bad, but after that Fred got out of the
hole./ Contrast: IN THE HOLE.

[out of the ordinary] {adj. phr.} Outside or beyond common
experience; unusual; wonderful; extraordinary. * /The parade will be
something out of the ordinary because a real king will be there./ *
/This juggler was out of the ordinary because he could juggle with his
feet as well as his hands./

[out of the picture] {adv. phr.} No longer a possibility or in the
running; rejected. * /Mark assured Carol that his ex-wife was
completely out of the picture./

[out of the question] {adj. phr.} Not worth considering;
unthinkable; impossible. * /It sometimes snows as late as June in the
mountains, but the summer campers thought that snow was out of the
question./ * /The boys had no money, so it was out of the question for
them to go to the movies./

[out of the rain] See: KNOW ENOUGH TO COME IN OUT OF THE RAIN.

[out of the red] {adv. phr.} Having reached solvency; no longer in
debt. * /Under the new management, our company finally got out of the
red./ Contrast: IN THE HOLE, IN THE RED. Compare: IN THE BLACK.

[out of the running] {adj.} or {adv. phr.} Having no chance to win;
not among the real contenders; not among those to be considered. *
/John had been out of the running since his first date with Mary, but
he didn't realize it./ * /Jones's horse was put out of the running
early in the race./ Contrast: IN THE RUNNING.

[out of the swim] {adj. phr.} Not doing what others are doing; not
active in business or social affairs. * /Mary had to stay home and
take care of Mother while she was sick, and soon felt out of the
swim./ * /The toy manufacturer who is out of the swim will lose
money./ Contrast: IN THE SWIM.

[out of the way] {adv. phr.} 1. Not where people usually go;
difficult to reach. * /When little Tommy comes to visit her, Aunt
Sally puts her lamps and vases out of the way./ - Often used with
hyphens before a noun. * /Gold was found in an out-of-the-way village
in the mountains, and soon a good road and airfield were built./ *
/Jack and Fred found an old gun in an out-of-the-way corner of the
empty house./ Compare: OFF THE BEATEN TRACK. 2. Not what is usual or
proper; strange. * /To leave before the guest of honor would be out of
the way./ * /I'm sorry if I said something out of the way./ * /The
night watchman looked around the building, but he saw nothing out of
the way./ Compare: OUT OF PLACE. 3. or [out of one's way] Not able to
stop or bother you. * /Tommy wished the visitors were out of the way
so that he could have the candy for himself./ Compare: OUT OF ONE'S

[out of the woods] See: CROW BEFORE ONE IS OUT OF THE WOODS.

[out of thin air] {adv. phr.} Out of nothing or from nowhere. *
/The teacher scolded Dick because his story was made out of thin air./
* /On the way home from town, Tom saw a house standing on the lot that
had been empty that morning; it seemed to have appeared out of thin
air./ Compare: INTO THIN AIR.

[out of this world] {adj. phr.}, {slang} Wonderfully good or
satisfying; terrific; super. * /The dress in the store window was out
of this world!/ * /Mother was on TV last night. Isn't that out of this

[out of touch] {adj. phr.} Not writing or talking with each other;
not getting news anymore. * /Fred had got out of touch with people in
his hometown./ * /On his island Robinson Crusoe was out of touch with
world news./ Compare: LOSE TOUCH, LOSE TRACK. Contrast: IN TOUCH.

[out of town] {adv. phr.} Having left one's usual residence or
place of work on a longer trip. * /"Mr. Smith is out of town until
Monday," the secretary said. "May I take a message?"/

[out of tune] {adv.} or {adj. phr.} 1. Out of proper musical pitch;
too low or high in sound. * /The band sounded terrible, because the
instruments were out of tune./ 2. Not in agreement; in disagreement;
not going well together. - Often used with "with". * /What Jack said
was out of tune with how he looked; he said he was happy, but he
looked unhappy./ Compare: OFF-KEY. Contrast: IN TUNE.

[out of turn] {adv. phr.} 1. Not in regular order; at the wrong
time. * /John played out of turn./ * /By taking a day off out of turn,
Bob got the schedule mixed up./ 2. Too hastily or wrongly; at the
wrong time or place; so as to annoy others. * /Dick loses friends by
speaking out of turn./

[out of wedlock] See: BORN OUT OF WEDLOCK.

[out of whack] {adj. phr.}, {slang }1. Needing repair; not working
right. * /Ben was glad the lawn mower got out of whack, because he
didn't have to mow the lawn./ Syn.: OUT OF ORDER. 2. Not going
together well; not in agreement. * /The things Mr. Black does are out
of whack with what he says./ * /George's earnings and his spending
were out of whack./ Compare: OUT OF LINE.

[out of work] {adv. phr.} Having no income-producing job;
unemployed. * /When too many people are out of work, it is a sign that
the economy is in a recession./

[out on a limb] {adv. phr.} With your beliefs and opinions openly
stated; in a dangerous position that can't be changed. * /The
president went out on a limb and supported a foreign aid bill that
many people were against./ * /Grandfather went out on a limb before
the summer was over and said that the next winter would be long and
cold with many snowstorms./

[out on bail] {adv. phr.} Released from prison because a security
deposit known as "bail" has been put up by an individual or a bail
bond broker. * /The murder suspect was out on a one million dollar
bail awaiting trial./

[out on parole] {adv. phr.} Released from prison but still under
the supervision of the police. * /Although Henry is out on parole he
must watch his step very carefully. If he commits another burglary he
may have to go to jail for a very long time./

[out on the town] {adv. phr.} Going from one bar or restaurant to
the next in order to celebrate an event. * /They all went out on the
town to celebrate his promotion to vice president./

[outside of] {prep.} 1. Not in; outside. * /I would not want to
meet a lion outside of a zoo./ Contrast: INSIDE OF. 2. Except for; not
including. * /Outside of Johnny, all the boys on the basketball team
are over six feet tall./ * /Mrs. Cox had no jewelry outside of her
wedding ring./ Syn.: APART FROM.

[out to lunch] {adj.}, {slang}, {informal} 1. Gone for the midday
meal. 2. Inattentive; daydreaming; inefficient; stupid. * /Neil Bender
is just out to lunch today./

[overall] {adj.} All inclusive; comprehensive. * /What our
department needs is an overall revamping of our undergraduate

[over a barrel] also [over the barrel] {adv. phr.}, {informal} In
the power of your enemies; not able to do anything about what happens
to you; in a helpless condition; trapped. * /Bill had Tom over a
barrel because Tom owed him money./ * /Ralph has me over a barrel; I
need five dollars, and he won't lend it to me unless I let him use my
bicycle./ Compare: ON THE ROPES.

[over age] {adj. phr.} Too old; not young enough; above the legal
age. * /Grandfather wanted to fight in World War II, but he could not
because he was over age./ Contrast: UNDER AGE.

[over and done with] {adj. phr.} Finished; completed; forgotten. *
/Norm and Meg's affair has been over and done with for a long time./


[overhead] {n.} Expenses incurred in the upkeep of one's plant and
premises, employees' salaries, etc., which are not due to the cost of
individual items or products. * /"Our overhead is killing us!" the
used car lot owner complained. "We have to move to a cheaper place."/

[overnight] {adj.} 1. From one evening until the next morning. *
/We could drive from Chicago to Detroit in one day, but it would be
more comfortable if we stayed overnight in a motel./ 2. Rapidly. *
/When Tom won the lottery he became a rich man overnight./

[over one's dead body] {adv. phr.}, {informal} Not having the
ability to stop something undesirable from taking place. * /"You will
get married at age sixteen over my dead body!" Jane's father cried./

[over one's head] {adv.} or {adj. phr.} 1. Not understandable;
beyond your ability to understand; too hard or strange for you to
understand. * /Mary laughed just to be polite, but the joke was really
over her head./ * /The lesson today was hard; it went over my head./
Compare: BEYOND ONE'S DEPTH. 2. To a more important person in charge;
to a higher official. * /When Mary's supervisor said no, Mary went
over her head to the person in charge of the whole department./ * /If
Johnny can't get what he wants from his big sister, he goes over her
head and asks his mother./ 3. See: HANG OVER ONE'S HEAD.

[over spilled milk] See: CRY OVER SPILLED MILK.


[over the hill] {adj.}, {informal} Past one's prime; unable to
function as one used to; senile. * /Poor Mr. Jones is sure not like he
used to be; well, he's over the hill./

[over the hump] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Past the most difficult
part; past the crisis; out of danger. * /Mary was failing math, but
she is over the hump now./ * /John was very sick after his accident,
hut he's over the hump./ * /When Mr. Smith was out of work it looked
as if his family would have to go on relief, but they got over the

[over the long haul] See: IN THE LONG RUN. Contrast: OVER THE SHORT

[over the short haul] See: IN THE SHORT RUN. Contrast: OVER THE

[over the top] {adv. phr.} 1. Out of the trenches and against the
enemy. * /The plan was to spend the night in the trenches and go over
the top at dawn./ * /Johnny found that he was braver than he thought
he would be when his company went over the top./ 2. Over the goal. *
/Our goal was to collect a half million dollars for the new school
building, but we went over the top./ * /Mary was asked to sell twenty
tickets, and she went over the top./

[over the traces] See: KICK OVER THE TRACES.

[over with(1)] {prep.} At the end of; finished with; through with.
* /They were over with the meeting by ten o'clock./ * /By Saturday
Mary will be over with the measles./

[over with(2)] {adj.}, {informal} At an end; finished. * /John knew
his mother would scold him for losing the money, and he wanted to get
it over with./ * /After the hard test, Jerry said, "I'm glad that's
over with!"/


[own up] {v.}, {informal} To take the blame; admit your guilt;
confess. * /When Mr. Jones asked who broke the window, Johnny owned
up./ * /Mary owned up to having borrowed her sister's sweater./ *
/When Mother saw that someone had broken the vase, Billy owned up to
it./ See: COME CLEAN.

[oyster] See: WORLD IS ONE'S OYSTER.

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